Este blog goes full spanglish

SPA. Hace algunos meses empece a investigar sobre marketing digital. Este blog, escrito primordialmente en ingles, resulta un archivo sustancioso de diversos temas. Peco de procrastinador. Termino compartiendo contenido ajeno mas que generar propio. Culpo a la impulsividad y a mi falta de organizacion. Esto cambia hoy.

Esperen textos medianos ahora. Menos reblogging y mas… blogging a secas. Abrazos, amigos invisibles.

Take Back What’s Yours

So, I was not tagged, but I got inspired by Emma´s recent post about #TakeBackWhatsYours.

The campaign was originally started by Chloe from Chloe’s Concept as a way to use our position as bloggers to inspire other people to make a positive change for good!

…many make New Year resolutions, so why not influence people to make their resolution to take back what once belonged to them… maybe their confidence, maybe their control or even their happiness due to whatever situation has made them lack that ability.

This is a lifelong commitment, if you want to change the way you feel about yourself, or you want to act upon the message of this campaign and ‘Take Back What’s Yours‘, when better to do that than the start of a new year… This is not one of those “New Year, New Me” unrealistic resolutions. When I say “New Year, New You”, I genuinely mean it.


I am taking back my career

I was tempted to make this post about my love life, but I will try to keep DA’s role in my blog as private as I can. Rather than that, I need to address the fact that my profession and job history resemble a washing machine cycle. I need to find my calling, so that I’m not faced with lack of job security, dreams stifled and a general downward inner spiral. This is as much as I’m willing to share here (don’t want to shoot myself in the foot!), but it’s a much needed start.

hello career is it me you're looking for

Traveling with strangers, part 1

I don’t travel as often as I’d like.  A couple of days ago I had the chance to sit on a shuttle on my way to Panajachel Sololá, near a village called El Tablón, where I was booked to teach a workshop for teens who want to become bloggers.

I’m not as shy as I think I am, and I have the ability to open up to people. On my 145 km ride (plus the stop at Antigua Guatemala, where we dropped up and picked up passengers), I got to know some very interesting people. Granted I did not catch all of their names, on my next post I will tell you about them.

A Story About Following Your Dreams – Romi Moondi… on YouTube

A Story About Following Your Dreams – Romi Moondi…:

Thank you Romi for the inspiration!

“I started blogging at a time in my life when I was really stressed out about work, and actually kind of depressed that I’d given up on the whole writing dream. The problem was I didn’t have time to write because of work, and I was too tired from work to come up with story ideas. Then the idea of blogging came along, and suddenly I had the most “free” way express myself. That’s how I’d describe blogging, it’s freeing, because no matter how busy you are, or how creatively blocked you feel, you can blog about anything that interests you. Over time, that may develop into other ideas and writing projects; the blog’s just a great jumping off points. Blog posts can be as long or short as you like, and you can write them as often as you like; it’s basically all up to you, which hopefully makes it easy to say yes to blogging, and yes to the idea that you are indeed a writer!”

Funny family violence

The most popular posts on this blog, in the past few days, correspond with these tags: “funny”, “family” and “violence”, which combined take on a sinister nature.

Some e cards mother advice to child

The 500th post: indirect trash talking

“There’s a reason why caper films end once the heroes hit their payday. Any more than a few shots over the credits of them enjoying cigars and breaking in their new yachts, and suddenly they no longer seem nearly as sympathetic as they were when they were scrappy underdogs”.

Screen shot from A Christmas Story
“Oh fudge!”

The previous quote is from a recent Jay-Z album review. This is my 500th post, and it seemed appropriate for me to choose a random subject. Today, it felt like hip-hop was the case. I am not a big fan of Jay-Z, as you might have guessed. My least favorite moments in The Great Gatsby are soundtrack-related (he was executive producer, btw).


Arigato heeey! to a blogger like no other.


So… I have been trying to decide for my photography, if I open a Flickr account, or stay on RedBubble, or blog about it. And guess what? I decided to blog!

Mainly because I have been blogging since 2008 about different stuff, so this should be easier than engaging with other people on Flickr and other sites.

“Serendipity” is on the top 10 difficult words to translate. It means “a happy accident” or the ability to discover fortunate things while not looking for them. And for me, this is how photography started.

So here we go. A toast for all of those amazing things we weren’t looking for and yet we found.


Photography, fotografía, Guatemala, Katheleen Rosas, Abandono,

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2012 in review

A year in bloggy goodness…

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 5 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Senior citizens and musical discoveries

This being my last post of the year, I wanted to express gratitude for the elderly folks I shared quiet moments, hand shakes and smiles this year. I hold every moment dear to my heart.

Also, I feel grateful that I got to listen to most of Nine Inch Nail`s discography, as well as Tool`s, a couple of memorable of albums by Hugh Laurie and Seth McFarlane (thanks, Gabriel). This also marked the year I discovered Pantera, Dream Theater, Roger Waters, Nacho Vega (Duffgirl is a hardcore fan) as a solo artist (I had only listened to his collaborative album with Bunbury, El Tiempo de las Cerezas).

Well, chances are we all must be super busy right no, so I`ll probably expand later this week/year.

Happy 2013, dudes and dudettes!