Sexo, pudor y bots (Octubre)

Hace un buen tiempo escribi un mini poemario. Se publicaria en formato zine pero eso se vino abajo. Aqui esta en formato digital.

Stephanie Burckhard colaboro con diseños, diagramacion original y parte del titulo.

Fotomontajes: LFA

Men Without Women

I have listened to 3% of Men Without Women, from Haruki Murakami, Philip Gabriel – translator, Ted Goossen – translator, narrated by Kirby Heyborne, on my aplicación Audible.

Waking up in Sugar Beach, Costa Rica.

Inner gathering

As I write this I should probably be asleep, but I’m not of course. This has been quite the year for me and all of us (I know). Let’s just not get into the death toll (not just surrounding popular culture) of 2016, it seems as though we are living in deadlier times. I’m reading a beautiful novel right now: Love is the higher law, and its themes are ever more present in what I’m feeling. The intersection of loss, fear, faith and strength.

I just finished watching the next to last episode of Girls, season 3. Hanna is the least sympathetic character that I’ve watched on screen, perhaps ever. I’ll take it as a master calss into how not to write in terms of filmmaking or tv. This year allowed me to get closer to achieving my own cinematic dreams, btw.

I’m starting to get hungry and sleepy. Catch you later.