Well, I Think It’s Adorable

So do I…

Skin Deep

I recently saw, on one of those tattoo fail or WTF tattoo pages or whatever, someone bashing a dad who had gotten a tattoo of one of his kid’s drawings. Really this was one of those (many) moments I have where I just stop, scratch my head, and wonder what the hell is wrong with people. I myself do not have one of these tattoos, but I’m seriously considering it, as I’m one of those moms who has boxes upon boxes of her kids’ drawings packed into the closets and under the bed. Come on people, this is not a tattoo fail.

Kid Tattoo DrawingKid Names

This is absolutely adorable. I mean, baby footprints
and portraits, yes, totally awesome, especially (well, only) if they’re done well, but it truly doesn’t get more original than this.

Seriously, where’s the argument here? All those papers crumbling slowly with age, wasting away in a box or yellowing…

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